Submissions extended by September 15, 2024.
30 September 2024: Notification of acceptance
15 October 2024: Early bird registration
1 November 2024: Submission of camera-ready papers (All accepted Posters and Papers Extended Abstract will be published in the Proceedings.
Please note that participants will also be able to participate in a virtual modality in Kuching local time (GMT+8).
07 March 2024 Hits: 986
All extended abstracts must be submitted through the Openconf. platform using the author's guidelines.
Single oral presentations: Proposals should consist of a short abstract (150 words at maximum) and an extended summary (1500 words at maximum, excluding references).
Poster session: Proposals should consist of a short abstract (150 words at maximum) and the proposal (500 words at maximum, excluding references) without an extended summary.
All proposals and abstracts accepted and presented at the XXI IOSTE International Symposium 2024 will be published in the e-proceedings.
The language of the conference will be English. Two types of copies of the full papers, one in MS Word and the other in pdf format with single spacing (12 pt, Times New Roman) should be submitted. The authors should mention their affiliation with corresponding addresses, email, telephone and fax numbers.
Download: Abstract template/Poster | Abstract Template/Oral | Full Paper Template
Submission link:
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee and accepted contributions can be presented in the form of a poster or an oral presentation on the submitted proposal